






  • 基金会
  • 音乐会出席人数
  • 数学100:出席音乐会
  • 0

Students majoring in music must attend 40 concerts/recitals (5 per semester) during their time 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 (transfers must accrue 5 times the number of semesters the attend). An updated list will be published at the end of each semester detailing concert attendance. In the semester when students expect to pass 40, they should enroll in MUS 100 用于通过/失败认证. Students who fail to complete this requirement will not be approved for graduation with a major in music. Attendance credit is not allowed for concerts/recitals in which the student is a performer for the majority of the repertoire.

  • 音乐专业回顾
  • MUS 290:音乐专业审查
  • 0

音乐专业回顾 (Students must register for the 音乐专业回顾 for the semester in which the review will take place. 参见音乐专业审查政策.)

  • 钢琴能力
  • MUKP 211:钢琴能力
  • 0

Students register for MUKP 211 (钢琴能力) in the spring of the sophomore year. 评估课程费用. If students fail the competency exam in the sophomore year, they will register for 钢琴能力 each subsequent semester until they pass the exam. 转学生, piano skills will be assessed in the first semester and a piano competency timeline will be created.

  • 语音能力
  • Note: A full year's commitment is required (2 units) if students choose to participate in a choral ensemble (MUE 234, MUE 238, MUE 239) to fulfill this requirement; however, only 1 unit will apply towards degree requirements.

  • 从以下课程中选择一门:
  • 1 Units
  • MUVO 100:语音类
  • 1

This interactive course will introduce students to fundamental aspects of the singing process including alignment, 呼吸支持和管理, resonance, 元音和辅音, and interpretation and performance techniques.

  • MUVO 101:私人课程:声音1
  • 1


  • MUE 234:康考迪亚合唱团
  • 1

The Concordia Choir performs significant musical works of all eras for major concerts and tours as well as campus chapel and area church services and works on the 发展 of advanced vocal techniques and musical skills. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tours. 入会须经试演.

  • MUE 238:康考迪亚Donne Di Canto
  • 1

This select women's choir performs choral music of all eras in concerts and church services on and off campus and works on the 发展 of advanced vocal techniques and musical skills. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tours. 入会须经试演.

  • MUE 239:康考迪亚男子合唱团
  • 1

This select men's choir performs choral music of all eras in concerts and church services both on and off campus and works on the 发展 of advanced vocal techniques and musical skills. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tours. 入会须经试演.

  • 音乐理论与听觉技能
  • MUS 201:音乐理论I
  • 3

As a beginning study of the craft of music for music majors and minors or general students with considerable musical experience, this course will include the study and application of scales, intervals, triads, rhythms, and elementary chord progression through analysis and writing. Co-requisites: Normally taken concurrently with MUS 211. 推荐 MUS 102 or other training in the fundamentals of musical notation. A class fee is required to cover the cost of concert attendance.

  • 音乐理论II
  • 3

的延续 MUS 201, 本课程将学习七和弦, modulation and basic musical forms through analysis and composition of four-part textures. 先决条件: Should be taken concurrently with MUS 212.

  • 必修211:听觉技能
  • 1

This course will provide students with the training and tools that will aid in the 发展 of sight-singing, dictation, and basic keyboard skills that support basic concepts as they learn to hear and identify basic harmonic (intervals, triads, and chord progressions) and rhythmic and melodic materials using the moveable-do solfege system.

  • 穆斯212:听觉技能II
  • 1

的延续 MUS 211. 先决条件: Should be taken concurrently with MUS 202.

  • MUS 304:音乐理论IV
  • 3

作为 MUS 303, this course will study extended forms and melodic-harmonic formula characteristic of the 19th century; introduce techniques of the 20th century; and cultivate related compositional skills. A class fee is required to cover the cost of concert attendance. 先决条件: MUS 303.

  • MUS 323:听力技能III
  • 1

的延续 MUS 212. 先决条件: MUS 212; should be taken concurrently with MUS 303.

  • MUS 324:听觉技能IV
  • 1

的延续 MUS 323. 先决条件: MUS 323; should be taken concurrently with MUS 304.

  • 从以下课程中选择一门:
  • MUS 303:音乐理论III:经典
  • 3

作为 MUS 202, this course will include analysis of counterpoint, 古典形式, and chromatic alteration of melody and chord progression, as well as further 发展 of composition skills. A class fee is required to cover the cost of concert attendance. 先决条件: MUS 202.

  • MUS 306:音乐理论III:商业
  • 3

An introduction to modern harmonic relationships found in jazz, 当代流行音乐和敬拜音乐, 注重和弦的结构和功能, 多重内和弦, 标量的关系, 还有爵士和流行音乐. Students will apply these concepts through improvisation, arranging and composition. 先决条件: MUS 202; concurrent enrollment in MUS 323 强烈推荐.

  • 音乐的语境化
  • 13 Units
  • MUS 271:当代音乐风格
  • 2

An examination of the history of popular music styles, from the late 1950’s to present day from a musical, 技术和文化视角. Students study the structure and function of modern ensembles through listening and analysis and apply their knowledge through arranging, 组成与性能.

  • MUS 331: Music History I: Antiquity through Bach
  • 3

Survey the 发展 of art music in Western history from antiquity through the baroque period, 包括音乐的社会功能 and the relationship between secular and ecclesiastical, 还有声乐和器乐. This course addresses the question, "Why Art?“在通识教育课程中.

  • MUS 332: Music History II: Classical Period through Early-Twentieth Century
  • 3

This survey course will look at the 发展 of art music in Western history from the early classical period to the present, 包括音乐的社会功能, the relationship between secular and ecclesiastical music, 还有声乐和器乐. 先决条件: MUS 202 或者教练的批准. 提供隔年.

  • MUS 430: History and Analysis of Modern Music
  • 2

通过阅读, 和讨论, students will understand the historical 发展 of music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and will apply theoretical and historical analysis to notated and improvised music in the popular, 古典和神圣的传统. 先决条件: MUS 304 and MUS 331 and MUS 332.

  • 从以下课程中选择一门:
  • 3 Units
  • 352:世界文化的音乐
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of 人种音乐学 with exposure to the musical and social aspects of folk, 传统的, 以及亚洲地区的艺术音乐, Africa, 中东, Europe, 拉丁美洲, 和北美. Experience in music is encouraged but not required.

  • MUS 482: Music Cultures: Musical Expression in Christianity
  • 3

本课程将对角色进行概述, 发展, and function of music in the Christian church from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, 注意圣经, 神学, social, 文化方面的考虑. 提供隔年.

  • 音乐合作与应用
  • 22 Units
  • 必修课程216:音乐技术
  • 2

An introduction to music technology hardware and software, focusing on the tools and methods used to create, 准备和演奏音乐. 主题包括MIDI, 数字音频工作站, 分准备, 现场表演系统, 以及音乐制作的方法. Students will participate in hands-on projects in which they will apply their understanding of basic music technology principles. Students should be able to read musica notation.

  • MUS 221:开始指挥
  • 2

As a beginning study in the craft of conducting, this course will include the basic beat patterns, 准备和释放手势, 以及简单的非语言风格线索. Students will conduct a musical ensemble composed of class members.

  • MUS 305:安排
  • 2

This course introduces students to the basic principles of arranging pre-existing musical material for the small ensembles commonly encountered in church, 教育, 商业环境. 重新协调的各个方面, voicing, scoring, 部分代, and idiomatic instrumental and choral writing will be studied. 先决条件: MUS 202.

  • Ensemble
  • MUE__:合奏
  • 8

Students must enroll in an ensemble each semester they are in residence. A minimum of 6 units in 1-unit ensembles; up to 2 units may be in .5单位集合体. Note: 教堂音乐 concentration students must select 6 units of choir and/or handbells.

  • 从以下6个单元中选择:
  • MUE 234:康考迪亚合唱团
  • 1

The Concordia Choir performs significant musical works of all eras for major concerts and tours as well as campus chapel and area church services and works on the 发展 of advanced vocal techniques and musical skills. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tours. 入会须经试演.

  • MUE 238:康考迪亚Donne Di Canto
  • 1

This select women's choir performs choral music of all eras in concerts and church services on and off campus and works on the 发展 of advanced vocal techniques and musical skills. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tours. 入会须经试演.

  • MUE 239:康考迪亚男子合唱团
  • 1

This select men's choir performs choral music of all eras in concerts and church services both on and off campus and works on the 发展 of advanced vocal techniques and musical skills. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tours. 入会须经试演.

  • MUE 251:康考迪亚管乐团
  • 1

木管乐队, brass, and percussion that performs significant literature in concerts, tours, and worship services with an emphasis on the 发展 of advanced ensemble playing techniques, 音乐感知, 还有音乐事工. There may be an additional charge for required field trips or tour. 参加费用:40美元. 面试要求.

  • MUE 259:协和交响乐团
  • 1

由木管乐器组成的管弦乐队, brass, string, and percussion instruments that performs the great works composed for symphony orchestra, new music, 还有教堂音乐. This advanced ensemble of students from many different majors performs major public concerts, 追求艺术的最高境界. Fees for field trips and tours may be required. 参加费用:40美元. 面试要求.

  • Students must enroll in an ensemble each semester they are in residence. A minimum of 6 units in 1-unit ensembles; up to 2 units may be in .5单位集合体. Note: 教堂音乐 concentration students must select 6 units of choir.
  • 初级仪器的应用研究
  • MU__ 101-301:私人课程
  • 7

MU__ 101-301:私人课程

  • MU__ 401:私人课程
  • 1

MU__ 401:私人课程

  • Applied study (private lessons) is required each semester students are in residence. Music majors may enroll in one private lesson for up to 2 units per semester, and may also enroll in a secondary private lesson for no more than 1 unit per semester (3 total applied units per semester maximum). Each unit of study represents at least 3 hours of deliberate, self-regulated practice per week. Students must progress on a primary instrument from level 101 through successful completion of at least 1 semester at level 401. Students entering with 60 or more semester units may petition to begin applied study at the 301 level by completing an entrance jury in which students must demonstrate competence in performance of repertoire at the 201 level. Approval must be granted by the studio teacher and the director of the performance area before census date of the first semester of study.

  • Capstone 
  • 2 Units
  • MUS 493:毕业论文
  • 1

The senior thesis is an opportunity for music students to engage in close reading, research, and writing on a musical topic of their choosing. This is an independent study, offered by arrangement with any full-time music faculty member. The senior thesis consists of a structured process leading to a finished academic paper of at least 10 pages.

  • 从以下课程中选择一门:
  • 1 Units
  • MUS 498:音乐高级项目
  • 1

This course is the final requirement for students in the music major when church music, 音乐理论, 音乐的历史, 人种音乐学, or music education is their primary interest (see Mu_ 498). 先决条件: MUS 290 高级项目申请的审批. See also Senior Project Guidelines available in the Music Office.

  • MU__498:高级独奏会
  • 1


  • 总单位
  • 54 Units
  • 作文, 钢琴表演, and 声乐表演 concentration students must select MUS 303.
  • 商业音乐 concentration students must select MUS 306.
  • Pre-Teacher Certification concentration students must select MUS 352.
  • 教堂音乐 concentration students must select MUS 482.
  • Students in specific concentrations must select the following Senior Recital:   仪器性能 (MU_ 498), 钢琴表演 (MUKP 498) and 声乐表演 (MUVO 498).

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.
